Bishop TD Jakes and First Lady Serita Jakes Bishop TD Jakes and First Lady Serita Jakes

What you desire is closer than you think ... ASK, SEEK, KNOCK!

Anointing, Fall on Me

How the Holy Ghost Empowers You to Conquer
Misunderstanding the Holy Spirit short-circuits the power in our lives. If you feel like you’re living below what God desires for you, T.D. Jakes’ classic book, “Anointing, Fall On Me,” reveals the critIcal secret for accessing the power of the spirit.

For your gift of support, you will find out:

  • Why God’s anointing is always available to you
  • How to flow in the gifts of the Spirit
  • Ways to refresh your spiritual walk 
  • How to access Holy Spirit strategies and ideas

Discover why you can receive every advantage the Holy Spirit has for you.

Dream Big This Christmas

For your generous gift of $90 or more, receive the “Holiday Ornament” set, which includes the 2023 Custom Christmas Ornament as a reminder of God’s goodness and the “Anointing, Fall on Me” book.

Anoint Yourself with the Oil of the Holy Ghost

In appreciation for your generous gift of $175 or more, you’ll receive the “Gifts of the Wise Men” anointing oil gift set that includes the products mentioned above, plus:

  • Fragrant frankincense for intercession
  • Exotic myrrh oil for your purification in Christ
  • Symbolic faux gold to release faith for receiving God’s provisions

“Anointing, Fall On Me” book; the “2023 Custom Christmas Ornament” and the “Gifts of the Wise Men” anointing oil box

P.S. Your generous support is providing spiritual ministry and practical outreaches that uplift communities, serve challenged families, and even provide resources and tools to impact our youth to transform generations. Thank you!

Thank you for supporting the worldwide outreaches of T.D. Jakes Ministries! You are a blessing to each soul impacted through The Potter’s Touch broadcast, our online and global outreach ministries, and our live events. We love you and are praying for you.